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Hi, I'm Amber! Lover of blueberry pastries and good coffee in the morning with my better half, Michael, and our Dutch Shepherd Chewbacca. (Somehow) I manage to be an avid runner and weightlifter. The simple things in life make me happiest, like music to suit the mood of the moment and bingeing  The Office. 

Aside from photography, you can find me checking out new stops for food & coffee, spending time with family, working on other forms of art, or chasing some sunshine. I am from Albuquerque, New Mexico, but always felt my heart wanting to wander to Arizona from the time I was about 7. I used to always say summer was my favorite season. love the heat! No seasonal affective disorder, here!

I am so excited you're here and I can't wait to bring this entire experience to you and tell your story like I'm telling mine.

Let's meet, already!

Get to Know Me!

My Life Behind the Camera

M and I met in our high school years, and became great, nerdy friends before dating in college. After a year and a half long-distance while he kicked off life in Arizona, I officially became a transplant, too! In 2019 we brought Chewie home! This adventuring, nerdy, and game loving bunch will do anything to get out and explore some place new! Stopping at coffee shops and local restaurants is always a must because we simply can't do without coffee. We love the friends we've made along the way!

send it Over

Hey, Amber!
My name is ____________________ and I am interested in finding out more about ______________________________________ on __________________. I found out about you from _____________________________, and I think that we would be a good fit because ________________________________________. You can reach me at ___________________ or at _______________________________.
I'd like to stay under ___________________. Some things I'd like to talk about are
Can't wait to plan my session with you!

we probably haven't met - let's change that!!

Let's Connect!

YAY!! Thanks for saying hi!

Can't wait to start planning your session! It's going to be AMAZING!

Some things I'd like to talk about are

or at

You can reach me at

and I think that we would be a good fit because

I found out about you from


and I am interested in finding out more about

Hey, Amber!
My name is

we probably haven't met - let's change that!!

Let's Connect!

send it Over

I'd like to stay under

YAY!! Thanks for saying hi!

Can't wait to start planning your session! It's going to be AMAZING!

I'll get back to you ASAP!
Google is cracking down on spam, so if you're able to, favorite my email, or add me to your e-mail contacts!